Kale is a hearty, nutrient-rich green that’s become a go-to for healthy eating.
It belongs to the cabbage family, which also includes broccoli and cauliflower, known for their powerful health benefits.
The plant thrives in full sun but can grow well in partial shade too, as long as the soil stays moist.
How to store your kale
Store kale in the fridge in a plastic bag to maintain moisture. Use within a week of harvest.
Dehydrate greens like kale, lettuce, spinach, and chard at 40°C for 4-8 hours in a dehydrator or at low heat in the oven for 2-4 hours. Store in a dry jar, away from sunlight, for up to a year. Add to dishes before serving, without cooking.
Wash, dry, and chop kale. To freeze, either bundle it into balls or spread on a sheet, flash freeze for 1 hour, then transfer to a container. For better flavor and color, blanch leaves for 2.5 minutes or leaves and stems for 3 minutes. Frozen kale lasts 6 months, blanched kale up to a year.